The flu is what started it all. The doctors said it is such a mild strain that in any other children it would present as a common cold. She got pnemonia on top of the flu, and then 45 minutes of seizures sent us on a life flight airplane up here.
As soon as we got here I started to feel better. She is in the best possible hands and she has been very comfortable since she arrived. She's stable and making tiny, almost indiscernable improvements. But she is still in the PICU and no one has any real idea how long we will be here.

My friend Nicole came to visit :-) Nicole's husband Danny brought food our first night in. We've also had Jason's parents here, my sister Holly, Jason's Sister Mel and her husband Laine, friend's Jay and Lisa, and Bruce's wife Kristin. We've stayed with friend Bruce and been offered lodging by lots of friends and family. My Mom and Stepdad are keeping Max and my sister's Ahna and Millie (and probably their husband's) are helping. Michael and Sarah's Dad Curtis and his wife Mari have been an amazing help. They even helped our ward weed our yard. Our bishopric came to give us all blessings before we were life flighted. Our new friends and neighbors check in and keep in touch. (and as I'm writing that I'm thinking we outta tell our Apple Valley ward-sorry guys! ;-)
Before I left for the Cedar hospital my Dad drove up to hold her while I packed up and then drove Max to my sister's. My Mom held her on a difficult night so I could catch some sleep. My Stepdad watched the kids. And there have been many more people helping. We are incredibly blessed. There are parents in here who don't have a fraction of that kind of support.
Me and Nicole (sorry everyone but she's the only one who asked for a picture and I don't think of it!)
Getting on the flight up here...
Something I've been having a hard time with is why children have to suffer. There's a lot of things I feel like I understand and can accept about this life but that one is really hard for me. And as I was searching for the answer to this, a thought came to mind....
A suffering child instantly draws compassion out of everyone. Seeing a child, a baby suffer... instantly we feel sorry for them... we hurt for them ... we do everything to help them. And I'm starting to think that we become more Christ-like through that process. I know that because of her I have been taught more compassion for anyone who is suffering in any way. And not just her family, everybody who watches Sophia is affected positively, even when they are watching her suffer. She creates opportunity for people to become more Christlike. She can't even talk and yet she teaches compassion.
Does she deserve it? Definitely not. I hope and believe that maybe she even chose this. Maybe she wanted to help other people be more like Christ. Anyways that's just my thoughts for the day :-)