Friday, January 25, 2019

Smile, you could be doing the Lord's work ;-)

I haven't posted in a long time. My computer is down and posting on my phone is kind of a pain 😉 But this is a story I just had to share.

Sophia has been sick with pneumonia a few times since I posted last. She is sick with it now, but she is on antibiotics and recovering.

This is a story about dropping Max off at preschool, when Sophie is sick:

Max goes to preschool on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Dropping him off has always been tricky. I used to get Sophia out of the truck and walk him in, but when winter came, I didn't feel comfortable doing that. She's so big now and I'm afraid of slipping and dropping her.

So I park right in front of the sidewalk that leads to his preschool door. Sometimes I have to wait for that exact spot to open up. B/C it's the only place that I can hear for her. I roll the window down and turn the heater on. Then I take him to the door. She's out of my sight, but not out of my ear shot, for about 20 seconds. It's the best I've been able to come up with, and safer than walking with her on the ice.

Last week Sophia got pneumonia again. Which comes with a lot of retching (this time around she retched so much she broke blood vessels in her esophagus) :-(

Some of you might remember that her reflux, which is very bad when she's ill, is the reason I had to buy an old truck with a bench seat in the front. So that she could be right there next to me. But on Friday she was too sick for me to put her in the truck, even with the suction machine right there. So Max missed school :-(

Monday she got put on antibiotics and it was a holiday so no school. By Wednesday she was feeling well enough to travel the two miles to his school. But she wasn't well enough for me to walk him to the bottom of the stairs. I let him walk in himself and I texted his teacher and she confirmed that he was in.

Then today was the field trip. I was going to need to bring his car seat in with him. Getting ready to leave the house I didn't know what I was going to do. How was I going to get Max and his car seat into the preschool when I couldn't possibly step away from the truck?

I don't know anybody at Max's preschool personally. But this one mom came to mind. She always smiles and waves at me on her way in. Like every time. I always know that I'm going to see her, and she is going to smile and wave at me :-) So I left the house with a plan in mind to ask her for help.

We pulled up and there she was. She was turned away from us headed for the stairs, so I called out to her and asked her if she could take Max and his car seat in. As I was getting his car seat out, Sophia retched and coughed and sputtered, and I had to stop to suction her. This mom was so sweet and said "oh bless her heart and bless your heart mama".

As I pulled away I began to cry. I was sad because I can't even take my son into preschool. I was sad that Sophia is sick again. And I was tired of winter. But I consoled myself, because the Lord has not left me alone. He put the mom that smiles in my path :-)

In my relief society meetings at church, we often discuss together ways that we can do the Lord's work. Somebody always says something like "I know it seems really simple, but smiling can make someone's day". I don't know anything about this mom, or what she believes. But I know that she is doing the Lord's work, just by smiling. So smile. Today. Because it could mean a lot to someone else 😊☺️🙂

*I have a lot of catch up pictures to post. But here is Sarah and I going horseback riding for her birthday. She's 10 now ❤️