Saturday, November 28, 2020

Lava Hot Springs

 Tonight I'm grateful for the opportunity to take Sophia to a beautiful hot spring and make a memory. We sat in the water for about 30 minutes and she was very happy. Cooing and smiling. She always looks so relaxed in the water. It's one of those things I'll always remember ❤


Friday, November 27, 2020

My Four Babies

 Tonight, I was sitting around talking with my MIL&SIL's about giving birth. So tonight, I am grateful for my four babies. My girls were natural, I needed epideral's with my boys. But they all made it, safe and happy. And I'm so grateful that my family is complete(ly done)!


Here they my bonus kids....on my birthday last week :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Tonight I'm grateful for a wonderful family in law, for food, and for little things that remind me of a great childhood. For example, tonight I'm sleeping under a cotton blanket with ribbon lining...remember those? ;-)



Cousins on thanksgiving...

The only pictures I took on thanksgiving. I guess I was too busy stuffing my face ;-)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dang it!

I forgot to post gratefullness yesterday! Ack! It's just SO MANY things to do to keep everything in this family running smoothly! Well, I guess I will post an extra day so that I still get 7 posts in ;-)

TODAY I am GRATEFUL for sleeping children on the way to Idaho! 

Whoops....guess this one wasn't sleeping lol

I'm grateful for a lot of other things too. And I'm sitting in the car, so I will list them...

I'm grateful for...

-A nice car that fits our family (even if I have to sit in the back bc Sophie gets the good seat ;-)


-Sophie's machines. Namely the machine that helps her breathe when she forgets, the machine that concentrates oxygen for her, the machine that aerosols medication and delivers it to her lungs, the machine that shakes the mucus in her lungs loose, the machine that helps her cough it up, the machine that sucks it out, the machine that tells me if her heart rate or oxygen drops, and...oh yeah...the machine that feeds her! Each of these special machines keeps our girl comfortable, and alive ❤

-I'm grateful for a lovely house, big enough for each child to have their own room and Jason an office.


-That my husband lost his job, bc now he works from home!


-Lots of Friends

-Friends who are like family


-The Gospel

-The Prophet

-Our Country

-The President and First Lady (yep, I said it! I like Trump!)

-The Scriptures

-Living on a culdesac

-Our cute little animals



-My adorable and perfect children

-Sophie's smile

-Sophie's wheelchair

-Soccer games

-Cello concerts

-Band concerts

-Patriotic programs

-Mild weather this fall







-That I've ALWAYS had a roof over my head and food in my belly. Like, my whole life, THAT'S pretty great.

-My hard workin man

-That I can watch the sunset behind the mountains, from my living room/kitchen, every night.

-The schooling I've had, and the schooling I plan to continue one day


-Inspiration/The Holy Ghost

-Jesus Christ

-Joseph Smith


-Did I mention family? ;-) Seriousy, my family associations (immediate and extended) are just about the most important thing to me.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Night Nurses #givethanks

 Tonight I'm grateful for our night nurses. We didn't have one last night, for the first time in a long time. I forgot how much we depend on them! Thank goodness we have full time nursing. It's such a necessary blessing.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Temple Prep


This must be why I don't blog anymore. The kids are older, life is busier, and it's hard to find the time! But I'm committed not to miss a day!

Tonight I am grateful for my children. Specifically Sarah tonight. We had a temple prep class together at the church. She will be old enough to have a temple reccommend in January. I am grateful Bishop did the class in person. I think we needed that. I am grateful that Sarah was SO excited to go. She was just popping her little hand up and answering all the questions. Even one question that I didn't know. She is developing perfectly and she makes me SO proud. Young Women's here she comes!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

 Tonight I am grateful for...

An opportunity to go up to Apple Valley and spend time with friends and family. How I love that place. It will probably always be home...


Also, here's the most recent photo of Sophia. She is doing great ❤

Friday, November 20, 2020


 Our prophet encouraged us to give thanks for the next 7 days on social media. Since I'm not on social media I decided to do it on my blog. Sophia is alive and doing well. Life is really busy. Tonight I'm grateful for my cool 11 year old daughter who likes to watch Gilmore Girls with me and my shiny bedtime face ;-)