I've mentioned before there were two other times in my life that I found I was crying myself to sleep and wondering why. On the second occasion I was sad for a long time. It didn't feel out of the ordinary to be sad because something sad had happened. So I called it "situational depression". During this time the radio was still on, but I wasn't dancing or singing.
Then one day, I distinctly remember, I was driving down the hill. I realized I was singing along :-) It made me happy... that I could be happy again. I expect this trial will be similar, just a lot more intense and it will probably take a lot longer.
But while Sophia is alive this trial is different than the others. There are emotions that I experience, that could not be more different from each other. On the one hand I'm losing her and so I deal with those emotions EVERY DAY. I'm sad, and scared. Okay lets be serious, I'm terrified.
On the other hand I still had a baby and brought her home. There are wonderful emotions. It feels so good to have a baby in the house again. She's SO pretty, and fun to be around. I still get to take care of her. Feed her my milk. Have skin to skin time. Dress her up. Bathe her. Smell her. Put bows in her hair. Take a million adorable pictures. There are happy emotions. Even joyful ones.
I guess what I'm saying is, I'm on a roller coaster, but it isn't ALL bad. Not yet. I realized this when I caught myself dancing in the kitchen yesterday ;-)
Jennie I LOVE these pictures! The one of you and Sophie smiling is so perfect! I'm so glad life is finding you dancing in your kitchen and learning to find the joy in every moment. You are such a light in my life!