Warm weather brought time spent outside and sunshine on our faces :-) It was a lovely summer to make memories with Sophe :-) I will always cherish the pictures :-)
As the weather started to cool off again I began to feel anxious. Oh no, what if she never sees another summer? Did we spend enough time outside?
But when I opened my Halloween box last weekend I began to feel excited about the holidays :-) I realized my favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas and this year we get to spend them with Sophie! I will enjoy showing our little angel some of my favorite earthly traditions :-)
As I was unpacking Halloween I came across the costumes I had bought for the kids last year.
When I was pregnant with her.
When I opened the box and saw the cute duck costume I hesitated for a minute. My heart strained a little as I remembered how excitedly I had pictured my little girl on halloween this year. She would have been sitting up in a stroller....more vocal....reaching....maybe even waving goodbye as we turn away from each door. Then my heart ached as I thought....this might be the only costume she ever wears. Should I choose something else? Is a duck good enough? I lay the costume next to her :-) It IS good enough. She's going to be the cutest duck ever!
Laying on the grass in the backyard
Sophie loves to look up at the sky
Yes, she will be the cutest duck ever! I think I would feel the same way. Hugs and prayers to you and your sweet family.