Thursday, February 1, 2018

Good or Bad, Hard to Say

A mom posted this ted talk to my group yesterday. It's given by the mother of a daughter with a rare genetic abnormality. "Good or bad, hard to say" is some real wisdom. We would all be happier I think, if we followed suit with that farmer she talks about.
I relate to this speaker so well. Being pregnant, expecting a healthy child, and then getting something different. Getting somebody rare. I especially love that she says her daughter has "rare blueprints" and that she was destined to lead a rare life :-) :-) I feel that way about Sophia :-) :-) :-)
Additionally, it was comforting to me that this mom did everything right when she was pregnant, and still had a rare child. She says she ate organic food, exersized and took all the right vitamins. My pregnancy with Sophia was difficult. I didn't always have the energy to eat right and I was told I couldn't excersize. I also bought "mid range" prenatal vitamins.  Even though logically, I know I could have spent a small fortune on the best, and this still would have happened. Sometimes it's hard to get rid of that mommy guilt. So it helped me to hear her story :-)…/heather_lanier_good_and_bad_…/up-next…

P.S. there was one little thing that rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't care for the judgement passed on the transplant team for passing up her friend's kid. Doesn't seem to me that she has/gave the whole context there.

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