Sometimes the daily tasks of taking care of Sophia's body seem never ending. Sometimes the routine gets boring. In addition to all of the regular bathing ... brushing of teeth ... and doing her hair ...we've got range of motion exercises, percussion exercises, suctioning, breathing treatments, and administering of medications and feedings. I also like to use essential oils several times a day to help her :-) It seems like everything I do for her relates to caring for her body. One time when it was feeling especially tedious I felt a sweet impression from the Holy Ghost :-) "Her body is a temple. Take care of it."
I received a similar impression during her recent Primary Children's stay. "Her body is a temple. Only help it, don't harm it".
It is truly a privilege to take care of her Temple :-) I can't wait until the resurrection when I get to see her beautiful self all fixed and perfect :-)
Only took a few pics last week...
Look who got her toy in her mouth! It was so fun to watch her excitement :-) she did it!
We got to visit our home in Apple Valley when it was empty :-) I feel truly blessed that we have been able to keep our home And go back to visit.
You have to watch this video. One of the little girls in my PCH support group is in it.
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