Tuesday, June 6, 2017

And ANOTHER seizure medication...

Sophia had a hard day today. I lost track of how many seizures she had :-( the neurologist had me increase the med she is on to the maximum dose AND add another new medication on top of that. This is hard.

The bishop came over and gave her a priesthood blessing. He blessed her that she would get the rest she needs tonight. So for tonight I can take comfort in that. Her stats are good right now and she is sleeping peacefully so I will try to get some rest as well.

 Even so the day wasn't all bad. Michael found her tickle spot 😊 We have this new awesome video camera in her room and I can go back and re-watch any minute of the day....save sections of video, and take pictures from the video which is awesome. So I was able to keep that special moment.

I also was looking back through the day and noticed that I didn't look or act nearly as stressed as I felt on the inside....so that's encouraging. My kids still trail me around the house and I was still pretty nice to them so near as I can tell I'm still a decent mom under massive amounts of stress. Which was really reassuring. Sometimes I think we let the mommy guilt get to us too much. And it was really nice to look back and see that I was handling everything much better than I worried I was. Every mom should have a camera like this. Maybe with the ability to look back at the day objectively we would all worry less about how our kids will turn out.

Anyways how I feel at the end of this day is that no matter how hard this is, it is still a privilege to take care of her. I love her so much.

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