Monday, June 12, 2017

The Mommy Club :-)

For years before I had Michael I wanted so desperately to be a part of the "mommy club". They seemed so happy with their little babies and their whole language, how they totally understood each other. I've wanted to be a mom my whole life. And when I had Michael my whole world and network changed :-) 
When I had Sophie I found I was part of a new "mommy" club. It's not one any of us plan to be a part of but I am grateful for all the loving parents who have reached out to me to share their stories and tips as well. Just the other morning I was re-ordering medical supplies for Sophia and the woman that was helping me was telling me about her daughter who is 22 and still tube fed. She helped me and gave me some tips and told me about her daughter and how much she smiles. 
I'm grateful that our angel baby is our perfect caboose :-) I had three other babies to practice on, got the mommy thing down pretty well, and now I am building on those skills ;-) I hope I can use my skills to help other mommy's one day. The way so many have helped me. I am learning so much being Sophia's mom and I am proud to be a part of this club of moms with special needs children :-) It is something I never expected, and it has made my life richer.

It's not a great shot, but that's Sophia smiling as I kiss her :-) She smiles for us lots EVERY single DAY!

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