Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Belated birthday for Grandpa Chad!

When I was little, my Dad knew everything :-) I used to just ask him questions. Question after question after question and he never seemed to get tired of it. He had the answers to everything! I used to get in arguments with other kids at school about whose dad knew more :-) Well naturally mine did! HE got a National Geographic every month and read it cover-to-cover! So obviously he knew everything about everything :-)
He taught me how to chase storms, wax a car, and jump in puddles :-) He turned  69 on January 5th and tonight we had a birthday party for him :-) Sarah baked the cake and Michael made the frosting :-) Completely by themselves I might add, so proud. We ate junk food and watched The Green Hornet , the 1970's version with Bruce Lee. My dad used to listen to The Green Hornet radio show before tv :-)
I definitely could not do this Sophia thing without both of my parents living close :-) I'm so grateful to my dad for helping me out on sometimes what seems like a daily basis. Happy birthday Grandpa Chad!

The kids with Dad :-) Sophie slept through the whole party, naturally ;-)

Jason came home from out of town late tonight. That must've been the reason for her late nap, so she could stay up for her dad ;-) She missed him ;-)

Sophia all tucked in tonight...

1 comment:

  1. Happy days indeed! I love the spots of sunshine you find in every day. It’s inspirational to me. 💕
