Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Happy Birthday Handsome

Happy birthday to my dear husband. We've always had big challenges, but if I'm so grateful to go through them with you. You are my rock, and the greatest love of my life for eternity! Love you Han

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Ahna/Wireless Doorbell

First and foremost a very happy birthday wish for my beautiful sister Ahna. Ahna and Sophia have much on common, as they both bravely fight rare diseases every day. Still through their trials, they put on a smile and try to comfort those around them. So proud of you girls. Happy birthday Ahnie. Love you.

Sorry for anyone who's been wondering. Sophia hasn't been feeling great this week so I haven't had the time to post. Her symptoms are mostly under control and we're no where near leaving for the hospital. But every virus she gets comes with extra duties as they all cause more secretions and as a result more coughing and vomiting. Thank goodness for her night nurses who are saving my life on days like this.

I can't lay her down or the secretions run to the back of her throat so I'm stuck in a recliner holding her upright. The kids have had quite the lovely Saturday with it though. Not that they'd wish it for Sophie, but they quite like "sick days".

They don't have to do their regular chores or earn their screentime. They have to watch after each other and help me when I need. So they've been playing and watching tv and laughing all day. Every time I need something fetched, or Sophia's oxygen turned up, or someone to drop a piece of toast for Max, I hit this genius conrtaption called a "wireless doorbell" and all my little helpers come running ;-) They are really a good bunch ;-)
So good that when Jason came home from LA I sent them off to the movies ;-)

Sophia keeping in good spirits after her bath yesterday.

Earlier this week and last...

 Michael practicing his baritone, he gets excited whenever he masters a song he wants to play it for all of us ;-)

 Michael was proud that he could get Sophia to stick her foot out to be tickled ;-) She would do it, although I couldn't get a picture of it ;-)

 Wouldn't it be great if we all didn't have to taste our vegetables? ;-)

 First day of preschool....
 On the steps at preschool...
 Right before I left him there (and bawled like a baby to Sophie on the drive home). She's a good listener ;-)

 Watching tv with her "littlelest big brother" earlier in the week.

 Date night last week (thanks to Grandma May and Grandpa Steve for driving out! ;-) Went to see some festival homes. Couldn't pass up this photo op with the 5 fingers and a rainbow in the back. How I wish New Harmony was closer to a hospital ;-)

 Contraption Daddy made for Sophie to watch her pad. Max likes it too ;-)

 Finally got Jonah's pictures up. Just took this one from where I'm sitting. Everyone got one of these for Christmas last year. Jonah's watches over Sophia while he's on his mission :-)

 And his frame on the mantle. We are proud of that kid.

Me and Sophie all day...

Monday, September 3, 2018

One Year Ago

One year ago today we were in the hospital. Sophia was recovering from Cellulitis :-( That was our first BIG scare. The first time we thought we were for sure losing her. She was in so much pain, and she just didn't look right. I remember the doctors giving her everything they could for pain. They tried one antibiotic after another and when Jason and I had almost lost hope, one worked!
Saying it's a roller coaster when you think you're child is dying, and then they don't, falls flat. All words fall flat. It's impossible to describe or understand unless you've been through it. You go from the depths of despair, to cloud 9, when you realize you are going to get to take them home again. 
Little did we know it was a process that would happen more than once. A process that we would have to try to figure out how to get used to. Until finally, one is able to say ... I'm not going to worry until the doctors tell me it's time. Even if the doctors look worried, which they sometimes do, I'm not going to worry until they say ... this is it. And until that day we are going to take a deep breath ... and remember, that it is in God's hands, and always has been.
Just one more thing Sophia's life has taught us. How to trust in Heavenly Father.

1 year ago yesterday...

This week!
Snuck up to borrow Grandma May and Grandpa Steve's Property :-)

Pulled over for a pretty pic of Cedar City on the way down. Sophia and I drove home for the night while the kids and Jason slept there.

                    In the morning, a beautiful drive from the property, over to Kolob (that's Zion National                                                                                                                                   Park in the distance)

                                                                   Kolob Resevoir...
                                                She loves being outside ;-)

                                             Driving around the Lake

                         Down through Zion and had Cactus Ice Cream at one of our favorite places

In other news this week. I juiced fresh tomatoes and apples from our neighbors for Sophie!

Michael is running for student council (so proud!)

And a cute pic of Sophie sucking her fingers ;-)

Have a happy week everyone!
Sophia Jane-Marie at Kolob Resevoir
Sophia Jane-Marie startling and laughing at Max