Saturday, November 11, 2017

Long overdue pictures and video's as promised

Here are some long overdue pictures and video's of Sophia I've been promising to post :-) 
This first two though are actually from this week.
 In the first video: This week she made the most progress getting her fists to her mouth!!! She did this for about 10 minutes :-) It's kind of an amazing feeling watching her develop. Even though this is typical for a 3 month old, when you have no expectations, everything is a celebration!

In the second video she's just being "tired sweet" for Daddy ;-)

Sophia Jane-Marie Sucking her fists
Hey Hey Hey

I promised these two a couple months ago...
It's very slight but it's there ;-)
Sophia Imitating My Kissy Noises
Now keep in mind we were told she's not really supposed to have this much control...
Sophia "Pulling Herself Up"

And I'm finally uploading the rest of our California vacation pictures as promised in August ;-) This vacation was the most special vacation of my life. It was short and sweet but I showed my Angel my favorite beach and we'll always have that ;-)

Michael and Sarah playing in the waves with friends Jake and Kaden

Excited and on our way...

 Hotels are fun...


There was a poor woman in this picture who looked like she didn't want to be in it so I did some quick handy work in "paint" haha

My dear friend Kristin. We met in California at the same station in life. We had our first baby boys 6 months apart :-) I remember at 22 thinking... I knew a thing or two about life. I'd certainly been around the block, or so I thought! On this visit, Kristin and I talked about how much we've been through SINCE. And how back then we never could have imagined the trials ahead...

Inspiration Point. This is my second favorite place on earth, besides home. So many times I've looked out on that ocean....and thought of the magnitude of this life....and how Heavenly Father is in everything.....

Where Michael was born. Happiest day of my life when I became a mother. It's all I've ever wanted to be. I remember bringing him home like it was yesterday. Up these steps......
And into the apartment. I was content to just stay inside all day long and cuddle with my baby. And stare at him.
When I finally did start venturing out the front door...this is where I took him swimming for the first time :-) It took me over an hour to get him ready. Slathering him in sun screen. Putting his little outfit on. I took at least a hundred pictures of him in his red hat :-)

That concluded our California trip. And we vowed nit to go again for at least a year (the drive was not easy haha ;-)
Snuggling with my last baby on the way home :-)

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