I had an amazing childhood. My childhood is riddled with memories of being outside with my mom. I remember her jumping on the trampoline with me in the dark, going on walks and to the park, picking blackberries, making "moonshadows", singing in the car (that's where she taught me to harmonize :-). In one house we had a laundry basket that dropped a "cage" into the kitchen. She would let us sit in there and pretend to be baby animals and she would bring us food. Two of my specifically favorite memories were when we were camping. Once at Fort Bragg, once at Mountain Lakes. She took me on a walk late at night and we looked up at the moon. I remember feeling like I knew Heavenly Father made this place for me. My mom read the Book of Mormon with us. I will always remember her very clever idea. She would keep the books of Mormon in the car and when we pulled in the garage after school we would read a chapter a day so we didn't forget. My testimony of that book and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is my greatest source of happiness. My knowledge of the plan of happiness is the only reason I'm not in total despair every day over knowing that I will outlive my beautiful baby daughter. My mom gave me that.

My mom is an equally wonderful Grandmother. She loves spending time with my kids. P.S. now you all know where Sophia got her red hair!
ALSO this Woman knows how to serve! Just last Monday my Mom was here to help me. I took Sophie to the doctor and she watched Max.
-First if all my mom showed up to the house with Sophia's outfits. She'd spent the weekend taking out zippers and putting in buttons so all her cords have somewhere to come out.
Then in the 3 hours that I was gone my mom...
-Cleaned my bathroom
-Did the dishes
-Washed my kitchen sink
-Did laundry
-Grabbed my list from the fridge and went to the store (subsequently picking out her own mothers day present on the list!)
-Put dinner in the crockpot
-And probably more that I did not notice.
All this, not to mention the fact that at my request after Sophia's diagnosis, she pulled her trailer into my yard so that whenever I need my Mommy, I can ask her to come stay.
Also. She writes us lullabies. Every one of her 5 children had their own special lullaby that she would sing us off to sleep with. She's written one for each of my babies as well. Here's the one that she wrote for our dear Sophia. She also bought me this frame, I just need to find the PERFECT place to put it.
"Angel Sophie"
Gently attending
Angels placed you on earth
With family to love you
From moment of birth
Precious Sophie
An angel of our own
We hold, kiss, and comfort
Until we have grown
Able to gift you
Back to your Heavenly home
Happy Mothers Day Mommy. I sure picked a wonderful Mom! I love you.