So I dressed her up cute for when he got home from work. He was happy :-) And things are back to "normal" now.
I was worried all that glue was going to pull out her beautiful red hair...but I was careful, and I saved it!
We have to wait 2 weeks to find out what kind of seizures she's having so we can determine how to best help her.

"Never mind what I knew, nothing seems to matter now. Who I was without you, I can do without."
Like with every child, once they're here, I can't imagine what it was like before.
She's growing up :-) She is getting fatter and longer, she's growing out of size one diapers (even though we just bought a whole case... naturally ;-). Her voice and her cry is maturing (not that she cries very much). And I think she even cooed today :-) I won't know for sure unless she does it again,
but it might have been something ;-)
Here's some more happiness:
These little birdies brightened our spirits the other day :-) you remember running through the sprinklers (in your clothes) as a kid? I do. I did it a lot ;-)
Good times...
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