Thursday, December 14, 2017

Christmas Card/update on Sophia

Hey everyone sorry I haven't been writing every day! It has been especially hard since Sophia got sick. Even though she began to feel better she was still throwing up a lot until a couple days ago. We spent a lot of time "vacuuming" throw up out of her throat :-( It was like my post of the terrible horrible day, every day for a week :-( This time I did break down and wonder if I was strong enough. But I found out that I was :-) We are unsure if her vomiting dozens of times a day is her condition degenerating, or an intolerance to the very strong antibiotic she was on....but it has gone down a lot since she finished it so we are hoping for the latter!

Anyways the minute she was feeling better I had to buckle down and work on Jonah's slideshow for his FAREWELL THIS WEEKEND! OH MY GOSH!

Also, I have a very special please check your mailboxes for our Christmas Card this year!!! Now, let me tell you why this is special to ME :-) I used to love to send out Christmas cards, every single year :-) But in 2010 I found myself a single mom and I didn't feel like announcing it with a Christmas card :-( In 2011 I met and married a wonderful man, who is my soul mate ;-) But that same year we lost a couple boys that he was trying to adopt :-( It took years for our family to get over that hole and I never felt like sending a Christmas card. But this year, it finally feels right  :-)

Life is hard. There are ups and downs. Sometimes it feels more down than up. Sophia is teaching me to celebrate the bright spots, using them to conserve energy for the hard times. And I am certainly practicing more than ever, leaning on our Savior, Jesus Christ. HE can and will heal our hearts if we turn to Him. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Quote for the day "Feed Your Faith and Your Fears Will Starve".

1 comment:

  1. Hope Sophie keeps feeling better! I completely understand the Christmas card thing....I didn't send one the year of the failed adoption....I didn't even get family pics bc I was waiting till we got the babies. Life can be hard, but trusting the Savior makes it easier. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! !
