Sunday, October 15, 2017

A nice end to a weekend with a rocky start :-)

So I didn't mention anything about this because sometimes I feel like it's depressing  :-( But Friday morning Sophia refluxed a little and was choking on it :-( The suction machine wasn't working and I couldn't lay her down to figure out why because every time I did she went from barely breathing, to not breathing at all. Jason had just left for work so I called him. He came home and held her up right while I fixed the machine. I cried pretty hard that morning :-( Then that night she was fighting dehydration and we stayed out of the hospital by the skin of our teeth :-( She is peeing and pooping normally now :-)

Anyways things turned around and I'm feeling much better now. We got those pictures taken some sleep last to church today... and it's always a treat when Uncle Frog and Papa stop by :-)
Plus our friends came over and it was a really nice night filled with laughter :-) It was the perfect pick me up ;-)

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